Sports Law - South Australia

Liptak Lawyers are Adelaide and South Australia’s Sports Law Specialists

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Sports Lawyer Adelaide

Patrick Liptak is an experienced Sports Lawyer with a professional sporting background. He is a former 100m champion, Bay Sheffield, Botany Bay and Bendigo Gift finalist and SAAL Sprinter of the Year for athletics. He is a former State junior champion in the Olympic Sport of Fencing in the discipline of Foil. Patrick has also competed in first grade Rugby 7’s and in an International Rugby 7’s competition. Patrick has continued to achieve success in Masters competition in River Rowing, Surf Boat Rowing and in the Olympic Sport of Fencing. Patrick is the current Open Silver medalist in the State of South Australia in the Olympic Sport of Fencing in the discipline of Sabre.

Patrick has attended as Counsel at various and many sporting Tribunals, including Football Tribunals, Soccer Tribunals, Ice Hockey Tribunals, Cycling Tribunal and Motor Cycling Tribunals.

Patrick has represented and defended sportsmen and women charged with Assault in the Criminal courts,

Patrick has represented Athletic coaches disciplined by Athletics SA.

Patrick has provided contractual advice to elite sprinters and footballers including providing advice with player transfers.

Patrick has significant experience with the Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority (ASADA) in dealing with Anti-Doping drug issues, suspensions, expedited hearings and Appeals. He has attended at the International Court of Arbitration.

Patrick was the Glenelg Football Club advocate for the 17 years and is a former Club Secretary at the Western Districts Athletic Club.

Notable clients include, Kim Mottrom (athletics), Brad Mousley (tennis) Brendan Ellis (surfboat rowing), and Patrick Constable (cycling) and Tom Sclanders (athletics).


  • Contractual Negotiations: Expert advice and careful negotiation of contracts can help to avoid disputes.
  • Representation at Disciplinary Hearings: Careful preparation, attention to detail and confident presentation can make a significant difference at disciplinary hearings. Also, an understanding of the internal workings of the disciplinary rules is essential to success.
  • On Field Personal Injury: Serious injury can result in severe consequences for players. Patrick has significant expertise in this area.

Recent Successes

  • Assisted in claiming damages for a SACA contracted Scorpions women’s cricket player
  • Provided advice at the South Australian Rugby Union football tribunal.
  • Assisted in claiming damages for an Adelaide United contracted women’s soccer player.
  • Assisted in claiming damages for an ‘A’ division football player(s).
  • Advising on a complaint made by Equestrian SA to a top-level dressage rider.
  • Assisted in preparing an appeal for a track cyclist to Cycling Australia, to dispute non-selection into the Australian team for the world championships.
  • Represented a 3x national champion side car driver at an appeal against suspension before Motorcycling SA.
  • Assisted an ITF tennis player in dealing with ASADA and Tennis Australia and preparation for an appeal to the TAADT.
  • Represented an athlete who appeared before the International Court of Arbitration for drug doping.
  • Dealt with and negotiated with Athletics Australia.
  • Acted for the South Australian Dirt Kart Association in successfully defending in the South Australian Supreme Court in an appeal against the suspension.
  • Appealed against a disqualification made by the South Australian Athletic League in the 2019 Bay Sheffield to the Supreme Court of South Australia.
  • Represented a cyclist before the Union Cycliste Internationale for drug doping.
  • Patrick has been included within the Corporate International 2020 Annual Who’s Who Handbook as a Sports Lawyer. This inclusion recognizes Patrick’s experience as a Sports Lawyer on an international playing field. View Profile

Recent Achievements


Silver – State masters championships


Big wave award winner – ALSA (Australian Surfing Lawyers Association) Sumba Conference.


Bronze – State masters championships


Silver – State Open championships (sabre)
Silver – State Veterans championships (sabre)



Silver – State masters championships

Fourth – State open reserves championships

Sports Lawyer Adelaide

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*No cost initial consultations may be in person at one of our offices or by telephone, at our discretion. Please be sure to have all information and applicable documents available for your consultation.

Liptak Lawyers
Barristers & Solicitors

North Adelaide Office
262 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide

Tel : (08) 8123 1808

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Liptak Lawyers - North Adelaide Office

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